HD video, sound, 7’56’’


“地底世界之旅”作为比较神话学里最为基础的“神话素”(mytheme)之一,反复出现于古今中外不同时期的本土信仰与神话体系中。生活于地上世界的主人翁到地下或阴间执行某项任务,而后又返还地面。任务的内容可以是寻回珍视之人或物,也可以是为了获得隐秘的灵知与启示。冯骏原半静态半运动的CG影像《Der Bau》(2023年)聚焦于一场前往北极世界种子银行的虚构旅行。这个建立于永久冻土中的地堡凝聚了科学共同体之力,作为天然冰库而贮藏着人类农作物的种子与基因样本。在大灾变后,两位主人翁踏上了一场注定是徒劳的下行之旅。

As one of the most fundamental mythemes in comparative mythology, the "journey to the underworld" recurs, in one form or another, in indigenous beliefs and mythological systems around the world. A protagonist who lives in the surface world travels to the underworld as part of a quest and subsequently returns. The quest may be to retrieve a cherished person or object, or to seek hidden knowledge and revelation. Julian Junyuan Feng’s semi-still, semi-moving CG animation Der Bau (2023) focuses on a fictional journey to the Global Seed Vault, located in the Arctic region. The bunker-like structure built in the permafrost is a collective effort of the scientific community and offers itself as a natural fridge to store seeds and genetic samples of human-domesticated plants. In the aftermath of catastrophes, the two protagonists embark on a katabasis that is destined to be futile.